Open for Self-Serve use 6:00 am - 10:00 pm every day
Open for Self-Serve use 6:00 am - 10:00 pm every day
Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
When you swipe your credit card for the first time, a PRE-AUTHORIZE for $30 is captured. All swipes in the following 2-hours (up to $30) is grouped together as one charge on your credit card. You are only charged for equipment you use! The AUTHORIZATION will disappear in a couple days.
Most of us Canadians don't have one, but if ever asked, use the THREE numbers from your postal code PLUS TWO zeros. For example, postal code A1A 2B2 would be ZIP code 12200
If you are a returning customer to Laundry Central, the program will save you money by:
Coins are dirty, and while we try to keep the 'drops' clean, sometimes money doesn't go through properly. Once one is caught all other coins added will be caught too. Here's what you can do:
In most cases YES. Its important that you read the 'wash-tag' on your comforter or duvet to be sure though. Our large capacity washers and dryers can handle up to king-size loads.
There ar lots of posts on how to wash them, but here is one that we think explains it well.
YES we don't mind you using our heavy duty washers and dryers for this, but ask that you help us and your fellow LC patrons by running ONE EXTRA CYCLE with just vinegar instead of soap. This disinfects and cleans the washer for the next user.
Need to know how to clean your horse blanket well? Click here for a detailed instruction sheet.
Our laundromats have heavy duty commercial washers and dryers. If your business has a high volume of laundry to be processed we may be your place to do it!
Click here to learn about how you can save money while using our facilities.